15 Pieces of Equipment Every Pizzeria Needs

Feb 22nd 2024

15 Pieces of Equipment Every Pizzeria Needs

Opening a pizzeria can be an exciting venture, but the success of your business heavily relies on having the right equipment. Whether you’re aiming to craft traditional Neapolitan pizzas or modern gourmet variations, certain tools are indispensable for ensuring efficiency, consistency, and quality. Follow along as we explore the pieces of equipment every pizzeria needs.

Commercial Pizza Oven

The heart of any pizzeria is its oven. Commercial pizza ovens come in various types, including wood-fired, gas, and electric models. Each has its unique benefits and influences the flavor and texture of the pizza. Wood-fired ovens, for instance, impart a smoky flavor and are ideal for traditional Italian pizzas, while conveyor belt ovens are perfect for high-volume operations needing consistent results.

Dough Mixer

High-quality pizza starts with the dough, making a reliable dough mixer an essential piece of equipment. Spiral mixers are particularly popular in pizzerias because they maintain cooler temperatures, which is crucial for developing the perfect pizza dough texture. Choose a mixer that can handle the volume of dough you anticipate needing, ensuring it offers both durability and efficiency.

Refrigeration Units

Proper refrigeration is key to preserving the freshness and quality of ingredients. A walk-in cooler is ideal for storing large quantities of dough, cheese, and fresh toppings, while a pizza prep refrigerator provides easy access to ingredients during pizza assembly. Look for units with ample space and adjustable shelving that can accommodate various container sizes.

Work Tables and Prep Stations

Stainless steel work tables and prep stations provide a clean, durable surface for dough preparation and pizza assembly. Opt for models with built-in ingredient rails for easy access to toppings. Consider your kitchen layout to ensure an efficient workflow, from dough preparation to pizza baking.

Pizza Peels

A pizza peel is essential for safely placing pizzas in and removing them from the oven. Wooden peels are great for launching pizzas due to their less sticky nature, while metal peels help with rotating and retrieving pizzas due to their thin, durable edge. Having a variety of sizes ensures you can handle pizzas of all dimensions.

Pizza Cutters

A sharp and durable pizza cutter is a must-have for achieving perfect slices. Whether you prefer a wheel cutter for speed and convenience or a rocking blade for precision, ensure you choose a tool made from high-quality materials that can withstand frequent use. Keep several pizza cutters hand to maintain efficiency during peak hours.


Consistency is crucial in pizza making, and kitchen scales allow cooks to precisely measure dough and ingredients. Digital scales are especially useful for their accuracy and ease of use. Measuring ingredients helps maintain consistency and aids in controlling food costs.

Dough Storage and Proofing Containers

After mixing, the pizza dough needs to rest and proof. Quality dough boxes or stackable trays save space and protect the dough during the fermentation process. Opt for containers made from food-grade materials that are easy to clean and maintain.

Serving Ware

The presentation is part of the dining experience. Invest in durable plates, glassware, and utensils that match the aesthetic of your pizzeria. Consider the type of pizzas you serve and choose serving ware that complements their size and style.

POS System

A modern point-of-sale (POS) system streamlines several aspects of your operations, from taking orders to processing payments. Look for a system specifically designed for restaurants that offers features such as menu customization, order tracking, and sales reporting. An efficient POS system improves customer service and business management.

Cooking Utensils

In the fast-paced environment of a pizzeria, having the right cooking utensils at hand can significantly enhance kitchen efficiency and food quality. Ladles with deep bowls can more evenly distribute sauce across the dough. At the same time, long-handled spatulas make it easier to safely maneuver pizzas in and out of the oven without risking burns.

Tongs are indispensable for adding and adjusting toppings with precision, especially when dealing with hot ingredients or when a quick adjustment is necessary before baking. Opt for utensils made from materials that can withstand high temperatures, such as stainless steel or high-grade silicone, to ensure longevity and hygiene. Regularly inspect these tools for wear and tear to maintain a safe and efficient kitchen environment.

Pizza Pans and Screens

The choice of pizza pans and screens directly impacts the texture and uniformity of the pizza crust. Traditional pans are perfect for thick, deep-dish pizzas that require a longer baking time at lower temperatures. Perforated pans and screens are ideal for achieving a crispy crust, as they allow heat to circulate more freely around the dough. Non-stick surfaces can also be beneficial for easy pizza release and quick cleanup. Experimenting with different materials, such as aluminum for its excellent heat conductivity or hard-anodized surfaces that provide durability, can help you find a match for your pizzeria’s specific cooking style.

Ventilation System

A robust ventilation system goes beyond comfort—it’s about creating a safe and compliant workspace. The system should be tailored to the size of your kitchen and the cooking volume. Commercial kitchen hoods should cover all cooking equipment, efficiently removing smoke, heat, and airborne grease. Ventilation prevents the buildup of odors and pollutants and significantly reduces the risk of fire. Integrating a fire suppression system within the ventilation setup adds an extra layer of safety.

Regular maintenance ensure the system operates effectively. Ventilation maintenance tasks include cleaning filters and inspecting ducts for grease accumulation.

Safety Equipment

The importance of safety equipment in a bustling pizzeria is impossible to overstate. Comprehensive first-aid kits should be readily accessible and equipped to handle minor cuts, burns, and other common kitchen injuries. Place fire extinguishers throughout the establishment and have them regularly inspected, ensuring they are suitable for tackling grease fires that can occur in commercial kitchens. Anti-slip mats reduce the risk of falls, a common hazard in fast-paced, spill-prone environments. Conducting regular safety drills and training can empower your team to act decisively and correctly in case of an emergency, making a significant difference in the outcome of unexpected situations.

Pizza Dough Press Machine

Adding a pizza dough press machine to your pizzeria can revolutionize your pizza preparation process. This machine consistently presses dough to your desired thickness and diameter, eliminating the variances that come with hand-stretching. It saves time during the dough preparation phase and ensures that each pizza base has the perfect shape, contributing to uniform cooking and presentation. Ideal for both thin and thick-crust pizzas, a dough press can handle a variety of dough types, from classic wheat to gluten-free alternatives. Investing in a high-quality pizza dough press machine can lead to greater efficiency, reduced labor costs, and a consistently high-quality product that keeps customers coming back.

Now that you know these pieces of equipment every pizzeria needs, we hope it’s clear that each tool plays a crucial role in delivering the quality that customers expect. Careful selection and investment in these key items will set your pizzeria apart and ensure a smooth operation, satisfied customers, and a thriving business.