
Jul 23rd 2019

3 Types Of Equipment You Need To Bang Out Some Good BBQ

commercial restaurant equipment

Summer is officially here, and one of the top foods to enjoy in the U.S. when the weather's hot is BBQ. But to make good BBQ in your restaurant, you're going to need more than a special sauce.

Here are three types of commercial restaurant equipment you'll want to use to create some great BBQ in your restaurant this summer.

  1. An industrial meat tenderizer. It's true you could always tenderize the meat yourself, but that would take time away from your waiting customers. Industrial meat tenderizers will soften large quantities of beef for you so you can pay attention to gathering your seasonings or taking orders. Industrial meat tenderizers also give you a leg up when it comes to BBQ quality by ensuring every bite is delicious.

  2. A heavy duty knife sharpener. When it comes to working with meat, you don't want a knife that's blunt. You need a heavy duty, industrial knife sharpener that will keep your tools working great no matter how many times you use them. Unfortunately, many grillers in a BBQ restaurant will forget to sharpen their knives regularly. Be sure you're making good use of your sharpener and to store yours in a location that's easy to reach for when you need it.

  3. A grill basket. One of the worst parts about grilling is scraping bits of food off of the burners when they've managed to fall through the grate. This can be especially bothersome when your restaurant gets busy. The good news is you can keep this from happening by keeping sliced veggies in a BBQ basket. A BBQ basket lets you cook your sides and process vegetables without worrying about getting bits of crusted food in the grate.

Looking for commercial restaurant equipment?

It's no secret that Americans love to dine out and enjoy some good food. In fact, up to 34% of Americans say they visit casual dining restaurants at least once a week.

During the summer months, BBQ is one of the top dining choices. But before you can make some seriously good BBQ at your restaurant, you need the right tools.

Pro Restaurant Equipment offers the commercial restaurant equipment you need to get the BBQ you want. To learn more about our industrial meat tenderizers, heavy duty meat grinders, or industrial meat cutters contact Pro Restaurant Equipment today.