4 Different Ways To Prepare Fresh Pizza Dough

May 8th 2024

4 Different Ways To Prepare Fresh Pizza Dough

Creating the perfect pizza begins with how you prepare the dough. Whether you’re a home cook or a professional chef, mastering the art of pizza dough preparation can elevate your pizza game. Here are four different ways to prepare fresh pizza dough.

Hand-Tossed Dough

Many pizza enthusiasts favor the traditional hand-tossing method for its ability to create a light, airy crust with a delicate chew. Start by flattening your ball of dough with your hands, then gently stretch the edges while rotating the dough, allowing gravity to help it expand without tearing. Tossing the dough in the air helps keep the middle thinner than the edges, which is perfect for a classic Neapolitan-style pizza. This method requires skill and practice but is incredibly rewarding.

The Rolling Pin Method

For those who prefer a uniformly thin crust, using a rolling pin might be the best approach. Flatten your dough on a lightly floured surface and use the rolling pin to roll the dough outward from the center, rotating the dough frequently to maintain an even circle. This method is great for achieving a consistently thin crust that’s ideal for crispy pizza styles. Just be careful not to overwork the dough, which can make it tough.

Pressing Into a Pan

For a thicker, pan-style pizza like Chicago deep dish, pressing the dough directly into an oiled pan is your best bet. Start by oiling your pizza pan and then press the dough flat with your hands, ensuring it reaches the edges and forms a slight lip to hold all your toppings and sauce. This method allows the dough to rise slightly, giving it a soft, bread-like texture that’s rich and satisfying.

A Pizza Press Machine

In bustling restaurant environments where consistency is crucial, a pizza press machine offers an ideal solution. This device efficiently shapes dough to your desired thickness and diameter, ensuring uniformity across all your pizza bases. When using a pizza press, it’s important to handle the dough gently and keep it cool to prevent sticking and tearing. Follow the machine’s specifications closely to achieve the best results without overworking the dough, which helps maintain the texture and flavor of your pizzas.

Now that you know four different ways to prepare fresh pizza dough, you can choose the method that best suits your preferred pizza style and kitchen setup. Experiment with these methods to find your favorite and delight in the delicious results.